Price per month
$ 24.99
$ 99.99
$ 199.99
$ 250.00
Additional cases:
$10 per case
$9 per case
$8 per case
$7 per case
Additional Users:
Staff/vendor-Users, Clients are not counted as Users
$25 per month
(5 users)
$25 per month
(5 users)
$25 per month
(5 users)
$25 per month
(5 users)
Template Reports:
Additional Template Reports:
$25 per
QuickBooks Sync
$25 per month
$25 per month
Large Uploads:
$25 per month
5MB / Upgrade to 150MB
FBI Certified
Biometrics (MINIX)/ FIPS 201:
$25 per month
Integrated Email / IM
Create users, subjects, template
reports and more: Only be billed for new cases/files
you create. User licensing packages cover the total amount of users that can log-in
at once. If a user attempts to login while the maximum amount has been reached,
the end user will receive a message that the maximum amount of users are logged
in, please check-back. The admin email on file for your company will be emailed
whenever this happens, informing you to increase your user licensing package.
VCM is offered as a SAAS (Software as a Service), whereas we host and maintain the
servers at 99.9% reliable uptime with backup generators and backup Internet support.
Servers are secured in reinforced buildings, security guards, fire suppression,
back-up generators, and access control systems to access Servers. We also maintain
the backups, providing you a web based, turn-key, 24/7 solution; allowing you to
be up and running within minutes. However, if you want VCM on your own servers please
contact us for volume licensing pricing at (800) 329-9691.
Standard packages are placed on secure servers ONLY within the United States,
and we have partnered with Softlayer.com a global leader in IT/hosting solutions.
Add Extreme Security to your above plan and we will place you on our Government
Grade High-End Secure Servers; a SCIF/ FISMA hosting solution, surpassing DOD &
NSA Security Standards. We partnered with Newworldapps.com for our government contracts
or businesses requiring a more robust security option. Newworldapps.com is a known
leader in the Federal Government for storing sensitive applications; SCIF and FISMA-
audited hosting solutions. VCM offers the following security standards: FISMA, SCIF,
FIPS 201, DTISCAP, MINIX, Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, NIST, and PIV.
Add to any of the above packages:
Choose the plan that fits you best, and if you go over your selected plan you are
billed thereafter per case pending the plan, e.g.$10.00, $9.00, or $8.00 per case.
No Contracts and a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!
Backend access for Clients & vendor, ONLY to their cases
An Order-Link URL allows your clients to open cases
Personalized URL, your logo, customized case numbering
Largest file upload in the industry, 150MB. Docs/Audio/Video
Customized desktop showing user s cases, reminders, emails
Scan-Direct using scanners, webcams, forensic microscopes & more;
attaching those images directly
Users can protect case logs & documents from others
Email attached documents 15MB max per email
Customizable Skins: Change the look & feel & switch themes
An Open & Close Case Checklist that is customizable
Email & IM integration throughout the case structure
Reminder features built into the case structure
Assign cases to multiple staff, clients, and vendor
Wizards to accomplish any task!
Create multiple subjects/projects per case & bill independently
Search cases by case #, clients ref, subject, by dates...etc.
Create Template
Reports independently to each subject/project & set fees allowing for
automatic billing
Admin Reports: Track total cases, services, costs and more
Bill hourly or flat rates with a retainer fee & expense section
Biometric Fingerprint Access -
NIST, FIPS 201 certified
QuickBooks Sync: Send generated VCM invoices into QB
State dropdowns affected by the country dropdown.
Reduce Invoices based on retainer fees on file
States included: USA, Canada, Australia, & UK
Rate users performance & track their case history
Multi Language Support (English/Spanish), more to come.
Reset password & request an account link within the login page.
Compatible with Explore, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari
Track Staff/Vendor costs & expenses by the dates you search.
Hosting solutions surpassing
DOD & NSA Standards, (SCIF)